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Foreclosure Myths - What Homeowners Need to Know

Don't Let Misinformation Cost You Your Home - The Truth About Foreclosure and Your Options

At American Home Savers, we talk to homeowners every day who feel hopeless about foreclosure. Many people believe in misinformation that keeps them from taking action. Foreclosure doesn't mean the end, and you have more options than you think.

Myth #1: If I Miss a Payment, Foreclosure is Inevitable
Reality: Falling behind on your mortgage doesn't mean you'll automatically lose your home. Lenders usually have a process that gives homeowners time to catch up or find alternative solutions. The key is acting fast.

Myth #2: I Have to Move Out Immediately
Reality: Foreclosure is a process, not an instant eviction. In Virginia, homeowners often have months before a foreclosure sale happens. During that time, there are ways to stop or delay the process, and in some cases, even stay in your home.

Myth #3: The Bank Wants My Home
Reality: Banks just want their money. In many cases, lenders are willing to negotiate to avoid the costly foreclosure process. Loan modifications, repayment plans, or working with us can help you find a better outcome.

Myth #4: Foreclosure Ruins My Credit Forever
Reality: Yes, foreclosure impacts your credit, but it's not permanent. Over time, homeowners can rebuild their credit by managing finances wisely. Avoiding foreclosure can help lessen the damage.

Myth #5: I Have No Options If I'm Behind on Payments
Reality: Even if you're months behind, you still have choices. Working with American Home Savers is one way to stay in your home while avoiding foreclosure. We specialize in creative solutions that banks don't offer.

Don't Let Misinformation Stop You - Take Control Today
The worst thing you can do is nothing. Foreclosure is challenging, but with the right information, you can protect your home and your future. If you're facing foreclosure, call American Home Savers today. We're here to help you without any judgment, just real solutions.

American Home Savers

Home Savers Online Form

To make our home-saving process even easier, we offer a fully online intake form. By providing the necessary information about your property, we can quickly provide you with the help you need.

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Together, let's save your home from foreclosure.

We have team members who will talk to you for free. They won't make you do anything you don't want to. If you need help saving your home from foreclosure, call us.

(757) 499 - 2274


Struggling with foreclosure? Call us today for help.



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